

Ajanta Public School, Sector 31, Gurugram believes that Scholarship programs from the school-level act as a major boost in a child’s confidence. Scholarship can help a student pave the way to reaching his or her fullest potential. Ajanta Public School, Gurugram helps make a difference in the lives of students by contributing to scholarships based on their performance in the entrance exam.

Scholarship exam syllabus will be as per the standard.

Note: Scholarship will be awarded in consonance with the child’s performance in the entrance test.

Click here to register for the Scholarship entrance exam.

Eligibility: class 4th -12th studying students for admission in session starting 2021 (Next Session)

Timings: Anytime between 9 am to 2 pm on the selected exam day. (will be announced soon)

Duration: 60 mins Registration fee: Rs 200/-

Benefits: *Up to 75% Scholarship on Admission charges* 

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"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. ~ Aristotle "