Poverty is a state of complete lack of means necessary to meet basic personal needs such as food, clothing and shelter.
This is a non-collaborative project with the comparison of Indian Economy with Canada & Bangladesh.
This project is to apprise students with Concerns and Cause & Effects of poverty in developing countries in India. Following activities were undertaken:
INTERCLASS DEBATE: Students were asked to express their views on topics given. This will sensitise students towards pathetic condition of poverty ridden people in India & other countries. This was very informative and enlightening activity which touched hearts of judges & audience.
STREET PLAY: Students of IX & X participated with zeal in street play competition on International Day of Poverty. Talent of students in the field of theatre and social awareness was exhibited very skilfully ,which spell bounded all the people sitting there.
PROJECT REPORT & SURVEY: Students conducted survey on the topic of poverty and prepared project report on the same. This sensitised students towards ill effects of poverty on people.
Students got empathetic towards growing poverty in India. They understood causes and effects of it. They being the youth of today, need to awaken and take some steps to combat this fast spreading economic disease.
Activities like these are helpful in curbing this problem and helping poverty ridden people. This project has changed the outlook of many children and they have now emphatic attitude towards people & their sufferings. Students along with their families are finding ways to help and spread happiness.
With the power of youth & guidance of experienced mentors, by spreading awareness in the society regarding these major issues of our country ,India can become an economically healthy country with financial independence for all.