
Various competitions take place at Inter-Class and Inter-House level. Literary Weeks, when conducted like the English, Environment and Social Studies week are loaded with competitions for everyone to participate. The spirit of competitiveness improves performance and builds confidence.

Each year, a multitude of competitions are available for students and schools. These cover all curriculum areas. 

Students are exposed to varied degree of academic and non-academic competitions at school and inter school levels. Students look at developing their ability to work with others. They use the strengths of others to achieve group goals.

All team competitions help them develop teamwork skills. They consider how they can work constructively with others and take responsibility for their share of the work. Project Based competitions also involve technologies like Minecraft as a tool.

Group events like ‘sustainable development’, ‘Innovative models’, ‘Global health’ and many such kinds develop their attitude to group challenges. They work to understand the views of others and deal with conflict in groups respectively.

Ajanta Public School aims to prepare future LEADERS with verbal and non-verbal communication skills through events like Public Speaking, Creative writing, Debating, and drama. We empower our competitors through our Interdisciplinary approach to the activities and by building their capacity in 21st Century skills through our partnership projects with Microsoft.

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"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. ~ Aristotle "