Art & Craft

  1. Mother's Day event
  2. Inter school competition held in Govt school (8-12 classes)
  3. Art competition held in our school for the classes (3-5  classes)
  4. Still life done by 11th and 12th class 
Through different inter house and inter school activities we are recognising and fostering students’ individual talents, and specialising in realistic art for students aged 5 to 18. These events provide an environment where they explore their own creativity, develop their artistic talent and a passion for art, guided by our passionate and our highly qualified tutors.

Be it colouring with crayons or making miniature statues from clay, folding paper to create fine origami or designing a sculpture, there are several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interest of the children and exploit their artistic potential.

By introducing arts and crafts to the students and involving them in such activities in our school, we invest in building their cognitive, physical, and social development.

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"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. ~ Aristotle "