Action Climatique

IDS Activity

Action Climatique

Climate Action is one of the sustainable goals, It’s Goal 13. “Climate action” sounds like a vague term. But it basically means doing our part to keep our planet clean and healthy.

This project is to aware the students about “Climate Change-A Global Issue” and to motivate the students to work for “Climate Action- An Individual Effort” .

POSTER MAKING:- This was a very informative and creative activity wherein the students came up with beautiful and expressive posters of various causes of Global warming and its impact on climate change.

Power Point Presentation:- Students created PPT after exploring and gathering the information about the laws of our country for Climate Action. They discussed it with their classmates and with partner country.

Plantation Drive:- Students planted saplings within the school premises. A circular regarding the importance of indoor plants was shared with the parents and lot of indoor plants were placed in each classroom.

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